Arroyos and Valmayor Reservoirs

We start the route at Las Cuestas and head towards Cerro del Periquín, then turn onto the Camino de las Viñas, which we climb, passing by the abandoned house of Cacho Grande. During the ascent, we pass by Cerro del Paredón at 841 meters above sea level.

We continue through the Urbanization of Los Ranchos and cross Colmenarejo to head towards Dehesa Vieja de Galapagar, where we ride on its trails and continue towards Navalquejigo to go around it and return via the trails of the Los Arroyos Reservoir and then the trails of the Valmayor Reservoir until we reach the Cañada Real de las Merinas on the Camino de Madrid, which takes us up to the Ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad before returning to Colmenarejo, which we cross, retracing our steps towards Los Ranchos, and we make the return via the Casa de la Patata.

  • Embalses de Los Arroyos y Valmayor



Total distance: 36022 m
Max elevation: 922 m
Total climbing: 792 m
Total time: 03:40:28

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