This year, for the TdN (Christmas Meeting) of BttMania 2024, we are heading to the Serralada Marina Park. We will start from Badalona, more specifically from the parking lot of the restaurant El Molí de Cal Dimoni, where we will end up celebrating the TdN of BttMania 2024.
We begin with a little downhill to find the first trail that takes us up to the Camí Vell de Montcada, which we will ride until we reach the Ermita de Sant Onofre. We will continue on trails until we reach the Turó dels Avions (no need to explain why. Right? … but be careful, don’t let a drone “comb your hair” 😉).
Then, we will enjoy a long downhill trail that will take us to the Montcada side of the Turó de Can Devesa. From there, we will have a long uphill on the Vallesana road until we reach La Coscollada at 466 meters above sea level.
Now, we will descend towards La Conreria and the Turó de l’Home at 363 meters above sea level, and finally, we will circle around the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital until we return to our starting and finishing point: El Molí de Cal Dimoni, where we will meet up with the rest of the family and the group.
Merry Christmas!
Max elevation: 464 m
Total climbing: 920 m
Total time: 03:12:17