1004 Castellcir singletracks

Route organized by Dani, where we link path behind paths up to twenty-six paths, limiting the necessary sections of track and cement, looking for gentle climbs if possible and without trial, just a couple of downhill steps that have On top of the bike, more than half of the assistants and three climbs just like the electric ones.

We left Castellcir to the south, we entered the first vegetal tunnel, and when we reached the Vilardell path we found the first uncomfortable steps that give you the measure of the maximum difficulty encountered along the route. The first easy, flat and fast path is that of the panoramic views of the farmhouse to the Popa, much of the route that awaits us.

We continue towards Can Sants, along the main path to the track to find a solid stone slide, quite fun … if you like it.
We visit Quet and his companion and, through the beautiful forest path, we go down to the New Mill of the Forest. If you lower water, go behind the mill to see the jump.

Starts upwards of about 6Km progressive with a single uncomfortable ramp, first for obac forest with impressive weaves and three tanks for livestock. We will leave at the solella just before the Marathon path, a good time to take shelter and enjoy a beautiful 1,800m trail. Another day you must download it as well.

We will land on the Barnils track near Fabregar and go back a bit to make the two paths of the two viewpoints at the Castle of Centelles. A further climb and take the path of the Saved slope with the slabs and codines to the Era d’en Coll.

Path and climb to the collar of the Rovira de Cerdans, overlooking the Montseny, cattle raft and an easy way to Castell de la Popa de Castellcir where we arrive at a rocky climb, a famous challenge among the locals that make only the strongest and most technical and now the electricians with good balance.

Breakfast, photo and contest of Carquinyolis at Popa. Down the road to Casanova that the one on top has cut a tractor and from here one of the great paths that enters the Beech forest of the Black Sauva in gentle rise and very pleasant as they change the colors of the forest.

Technical downhill at the source of the Black Sauva and rest with fresh water. More beech forest with a nice climb up to the urbanization, lowered into a short cement and the trailers’ path, very nice too.

Flying downhill for the Black Sauva, it is difficult to decide whether to enjoy the speed or the forest and silence until you reach the well Knight.

We went for a moment of track and immediately after the path close to the torrent of Sauva Negra. If it is dry, it can be traced back to the torrent, spectacular, but humid slides too much.

Left for the Soler near the Barbot well and just after returning to the 180º track and path again, with a climb and hill that begins to hurt the legs. Only two are up.

What was the flow path has been a bit shortened because it has expanded it to exploit the natural resources and that is why we have made a climb in return for getting rid of rampant by the path of the torrent of the Black Sauva closing the loop of 6Km and + 200m which allows you to trim a good cut to the route if you are late, loose or you have not liked so many paths.

Attention to leave the main track just before the junction to make a less crowded path towards the source of the Tuna and the Rua de Castellcir (also Riera with another name).

Since we have a forbidden principle to go up the cement we make a zigzag and we are going to look for the half-lost paths (opportunely separated recently) that lead us to Vilacís and its ruins (Castell del Tenes), The hives, the the source of the escudella and the path of La Roca, where we take a path recovered after many years due to the popular walk of Castellcir and the pedestrian street of 2019.

We pass through the Mas la Roca and go back to a little boat to finish the exit on the nice footpath of the boar.

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Total distance: 37678 m
Max elevation: 926 m
Total climbing: 1050 m
Total time: 05:22:50


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