Maliciosa by the Path of the Goats and their pegs

We started one of the parking lots that has the town of Mataelpino enabled and we walk along the GR10 towards Boalo. This first part watching sunrise the day we do it along the Mataelpino Colada track until we reach the Hermitage of San Isidro, where we turn and begin to climb the Path of the Goats on the Slopes of the Boalo. Be careful that this path and the Turret of the Porrones or Peña del Águila has closed its passage from January to June for reproduction of protected species.

The funniest part of the route. Without a doubt they are the pegs of the Path of the Goats. The only existing pegs in the Sierra de Guadarrama. They are really easy to pass and do not require additional safety equipment to our hands and feet.

Up we arrive at the Colde de Valdehalcones, from where you have magnificent views of the Manzanares el Real swamp, the Pedriza, the Long Curse and the Malicious, our final destination…. That from here it looks far and high!

We continue forward, already facing the Malicious, throughout the Crest of the Sierra de los Porrones, about 1,500 meters above sea level. Passing through Peña Blanca, Collado de las Lobreas, Collado de Vaqueros, Cancho de Las Porras and Collado de Porrón where we already joined the PR-M-16 and that will accompany us already to the top of the Malicious.

We continue walking along the upper part of La Falda de la Maliciosa until we reach Maliciosa Baja and Collado de las Vacas … where, coincidentally, we meet again with our … and friends! … The Girls of the Pelayo Vida Andes Challenge 2019. Begoña, Estrella, Victoria and Raquel. All champions who are already at a high moment of their training! They were just doing the same route backwards as we were. After a few minutes remembering anecdotes from the previous meeting and wishing you to enjoy the Challenge and its entremos…. We ask for a group photo, which we put on the cover. And we move on. Now we have to attack the last and steep slope of the Malicious. … but like everything … in the end it is done!

In the end we reach the top and take a few minutes rest at the geodetic point of La Maliciosa at 2,227 meters above sea level.

Now we only have to go down 6 km 1,053 meters of unevenness. It is really easy but you have to be careful with the parts of the stones and slips. Little by little we are facing the Arroyo de la Gargantilla that goes straight down to Mataelpino and that allows us, in the end to cool down a bit.

Our entrance to Mataelpino is through the City of Boys but we have a few kilometers left by the Vereda del Guerreros, GR10, to our starting point.

AWESOME route. For the place! For the distance 18 km. For the accumulated height difference 1,350 m and for the necessary time required to do it. But if you like the mountain it is without a doubt the preferred route. It is the other way to get to the Malicious!

Maliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijasMaliciosa por la Senda d las Cabras y sus clavijas



Total distance: 18343 m
Max elevation: 2271 m
Total climbing: 1537 m
Total time: 09:22:26


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