Christmas Meeting – BttMania 2019

Traditional Christmas meeting of BttMania with almost all its members active. As usual in these cases, three routes are done; an A and B by the pedalaires and a walk with an end of party to the restaurant Rubión of Sabadell.

We leave all together from Sabadell, next to the Ripoll River where we expect a good choice of almost all possible fences and with some novelty for many of those present and trialeres for the taste of everyone.

We pass by the Ripoll in its ascending track and soon we turn towards the tower of the Canonge where we make the first trialera that the rains of the last hours has left very fun to do, we will again face the ascending track until linking the track that comes from La Salut in the direction of Castellar del vallès, and here is the novelty not foreseen or known by many, since we have to make two sections of the labyrinth where we can see 3 dry stone huts near Can Torrents, we take on new track to pass through Sant Pere d’Ullastre, Castellar del Vallès where we continue climbing the Puig de la Creu track to Coll Canyelles, where after a regrouping, we continue to climb all together up to three pins where we decide not to make a small loop of three kilometers initially planned since we were not having a good time, it is known that being so many and having a couple of mechanical incidents usually delay the march and the scheduled time. We will have to find another date to make this section that was fun to do, because it was a small technical climb uphill for a downhill trialera to climb again by stony technical path up to three pins.

Once the decision has been made to shorten the loop, we continue up the track to the Farell, where the final part is for a slightly stony path. Stop for breakfast with a show at the social “de la Yane” and here the group is divided into two, those on route A go up to the Pico del Vent to descend by a very inclined trialera lady with a lot of loose stone, than with the falling rain further complicates the descent. And the others (route B) we also go for a stony path and the trialera of Serra Llisa coll Bassa Roja with some point of discomfort when going down the stony ground (this point is easy to avoid on the BV-1243 but it is not so much section not so complicated, only uncomfortable and without so much incline), we again gather together to proceed quickly to Guanta, passing Can Montllor, Can Padró, where it starts to rain and makes the path more fun because at some particular point the stones and / or slabs slip a little, we come back to Castellar del Vallès, and not to repeat the one-way track, we will look for the footpath that leads to Togores, to see the pine tree of the Three Branches, and after a quick path and a small trialera we arrive again in Sabadell, ready to enjoy all pedaling and walkers of the well-deserved lunch where we will celebrate and wish us a Happy Holidays.

Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019Trobada de Nadal de BttMania 2019



Total distance: 44289 m
Max elevation: 761 m
Total climbing: 1311 m
Total time: 11:21:48


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Hike Map

Total distance: 12722 m
Max elevation: 298 m
Total climbing: 349 m
Total time: 04:25:15


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