We started the route from the Restaurant l’Avet Blau Hostal and start walking along the parallel path between the BV-5114 road and the Riera de Passavets. We soon cross the road and pass by the Font de Passavets and now we start to climb the slope of the Turó de l’Home.
We make our way through the Avetosa del Montseny and reach the Rocs Cremants. And from there we pass to the Mirador del Coll Pregon where we can already see the Turó de l’Home, which will soon be 1,706 meters above sea level.
We go down the Coll de Sesbasses to go to the Turó de l’Home Mort, the Coll de Sacarbassa and from there to the Collada de Les Agudes which take us to Les Agudes at 1,705 meters above sea level.
From here we start the descent towards the Coll de les Agudes and then along the southern slope towards the road and the initial path.
Have a good Christmas trip through the Monseny Natural Park to see the sun from Turó de l’Home and Les Agudes with a sea of clouds at our feet.
Max elevation: 1686 m
Total climbing: 648 m
Total time: 08:26:16