We start the route from Layos. Specifically from the small parking lot of the Guajaraz Reservoir, also known as Presa de Layos.
We go out along the paths from the same car park and turn the reservoir counterclockwise, always leaving the reservoir on our left.
We cross the Chorrera de la Alameda. Further on we come to the Camino del Prado track. From there we see the island of the swamp, the Cerro de la Encantada and we continue along trails to the Guajaraz Dam, which closes the waters of the Guajaraz River.
We continue on the other side of the reservoir, this section is a little more lost until we cross the Chorrera de Valdehiguera. Then we cross the Arroyo de Valdehiguera and go up to the Gallineros, where we cross them through their land of beautifully flowered trees.
We continue until we cross the Guajaraz stream again. The pass is quite loaded with water and although we tried to avoid it, we finally crossed it barefoot and through the trunks.
We continue along the paths near the river and under the Cerro de las Guadelarzas, where the Layos Golf Course urbanization is located and which leads us to the car park where we close the route.
And now we just have to see the photos and remember it with a stew at Bar Nacho.
Max elevation: 650 m
Total climbing: 571 m
Total time: 04:05:29