Trails and trails at the top, generally easy and cycleable with very specific points where you have to push the bike. AVOID this route after rain, when the torrents go down full as we fuck in the water.
Once we leave Castellterçol go up the track and then the hard path to the Pla de les Boixes. The first point of contention is the next climb to the Pla de les Forques, after Castellterçol, you have to push the bike two or three times.
We go down beautiful paths and ambushed towards La Fàbrega, they do not become trial trails but if the forest is closed you scratch a little and if it is wet the roots are dangerous.
Towards Moià we start on the slightly aerial paths over the Fàbrega torrent, it only worries you if you are very dizzy. After 5 km by track towards Moià, we cross fords without difficulties.
The ford under the Moià road is very cool but only passable if they have cleared the hedge, it is not the case, but following this route you will get to the place. It begins one of the most beautiful stretches of trails in the region, varied, entertaining and llaaaaarg: 5Km with fast stretches, climbs, forest, easy downhill trials, a little too much brambles if you go short-sleeved.
A bit of track and 4Km more of trails and trails very fun in the woods that take us to the spectacular jump of the Coma (or Baga Cerdana?). We only see it from above but it is accessible from below on another route that passes through La Coma, it is worth doing but today we already have too much heat and too many kilometers ahead.
We also visit the viewpoint of La Pedrera de Jornet and the well-known Blue gorges in the Golarda stream.
Stop and inn in Monistrol, refreshment and up to the tank to take the path of the dry-stone huts and visit the Codro Bressol Camí del Coll and the spectacular farmhouse Sala de Sant Llogari. You have to push a little up the step after crossing the stream.
From here we could return to the track without further complications … what a bore!
Therefore, we cross the Sala stream with water up to the … knees and go up a closed path to follow the Torrent de Vilanova, this section must be avoided at all if there is water as it becomes impassable and we would disturb too much the natural environment.
Now we could go back by track … but no: the visit to the Font de la Blada, beautiful, will make us go up a path dragging the bike on the way to the Coll de la Creueta (Collet de Sant Fruitós) and back to the point of start for the last trial of the day, attention with a hidden step, roots and closed vegetation according to the time of year.
Memorable route that makes you enjoy at all times.
Very path route with some NON-CYCLABLE points, climbs where you have to push, torrents to cross that can be complicated if a lot of water goes down …
Max elevation: 829 m
Total climbing: 1460 m
Total time: 09:04:37