We indicate the Route at the Gates of Las Batuecas and Peña de Francia Natural Park. More concretely. We leave from the Hostal Río Almar where we have stayed and where we will surely return.
We pedal towards Nava de Francia traveling the Local Trail PRSA-09 El Cabaco – Nava de Francia – El Casarito – Peña Francia. We cross Nava de Francia and go out onto the Casarito road and turn towards San Martin del Castañar. To deviate through the Visigodo Village of La Legoriza and where we join the GR-184 Route of the Serrano Landscapes and that accompanies us to La Alberca.
The people who living here, present La Alberca, as beautiful and serene it is shown to the world as a place of retreat where the soul and body find havens of peace for those who flee from the madding crowd and the rush. And honestly it is very true!
After the typical photo in the Plaza Mayor. We leave La Alberca on the road to La Peña, GR-10, and following parallels to Arroyo de Arrohuevos. We pass through the Azud de Arrohuevos, cross the stream and follow the track upwards, seeing our next destination. La Peña de Francia.
Later we had to go up the hillside of Alto de Las Leras to end up on the SA-203 road that first brings us closer to Paso de Los Lobos and then we have the last curves to climb to the top of La Peña de Francia de 1,727 masl. From Count we contemplate the views of the entire Sierra de las Quilamas and the PN of Las Batuecas and Peña de Francia.
We do the descent as well as the ascent. We undo the stretch of asphalt until we turn off following the indications for the GR-182 Ruta de Las Quilamas and then it joins the PR-SA 8 trail from El Cabaco – Peña Francia. And that returns us down to the exit point of El Cabaco.
Beautiful route and best ending sharing food with the Charra family.
Max elevation: 1677 m
Total climbing: 1235 m
Total time: 04:43:45