Crampons: Sierra Nevada – Veleta

We start our route from the Prado Alto Building in Sierra Nevada. And we go straight up to the Cable-car Virgen de Las Nieves. We pass through it and continue climbing towards La Virgen de las Nieves, shortening the curves of the road and more or less using the way up the Veleta from the Hoya.

We always go uphill taking the direct between the curves of the road that as we climbed was lost to be covered with nine and be part of the Sierra Nevada ski area.

We continue climbing parallel to the red track “El Àguila” and then the “Tobogán”, but always parallel to the Way of the Climb to the Veleta Peak from the Hoya.

We reach the end of the Zayas Button lift , where it turns around. And from there we make the last strong climb to the Veleta Peak of 3398.68 meters above sea level. Which is the fourth highest summit in Spain behind Teide (Tenerife), Mulhacén (Sierra Nevada) and Aneto (Pyrenees). This last section we do with a strong wind and passing through some icy areas, which all together and the steep slope, moved you dangerously from the site.

Finally we make a top and tightly grasped the Geodetic Point we can take some photographs.

The descent is following almost our steps. Although a scare happened when skating in an area of steep slope and ice sheets. I leave fired, with the luck of in the fall to find a ledge of a stone that emerged on the ice to which I could grab. Phew! But save this. The route is great and worth it. Yes! Go well equipped with crampons, appropriate clothing and I would also recommend a ice ax.

Crampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - VeletaCrampones Sierra Nevada - Veleta



Total distance: 17208 m
Max elevation: 3385 m
Total climbing: 2056 m
Total time: 06:15:43


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