I started from the parking area of the Fuenfría and we weigh down the Forest House of the Dehesas to surround them and passes the River of Sale to start the climb up to the Senda de la Vereda Alta that takes us to the Camino de la Pata la Cabra crossing the Senda de la República (GR10).
On the Path of the Pata la Cabra I am already above 1600 m in height and the snow begins to be more prescient. Almost at the Fuente de los Acebos take wet feet and cool (the 15 years of my boots had lost the seal) and decide to go to find the Path of the Alevines by a small vertical path marked on my GPS. But with the amount of snow that had only found a milestone. Halfway back I reconsidered it because I was going alone and every step was to sink my legs in the snow up to my knees … And I kept remembering that I had the snowshoes in the car because I had considered that there would be no snow strength … . And luckily, I picked up the crampons.
I undo the descent to the GR10, Senda de la República, where I meet Ben from UK and Maggie from UUEE who ask me how to get back to the cars. As the road was the same as mine, we continue together for GR10 and then we go down the Schmid Road and the PR4 that takes us to the parking lot.
Good route modified on the fly and that allowed to meet Ben and Maggie!
Max elevation: 1786 m
Total climbing: 871 m
Total time: 05:37:02