Zarzalejo – Abantos Z’s

We park the cars in Zarzalejo where we are going to start the route along the Senda del Venero and then the Camino del Canillo, which takes us to the pools of and there we take the M-533 road to cross Zarzalejo Station and go out to look for the GR10 that we it will lead to the Chair of Felipe II. There we turn through the Cueva del Oso and the Fuente de la Reina until we reach the Prado de la Guadaña and the M-505 road right at the junction with the road that would take us to San Lorenzo de El Escorial, but we left it immediately to turn to the left and go up the first zetas of the Camino de la Horizontal.

Then we begin to climb the Abantos Mountain through the 16 zetas until we reach the Los Llanillos Recreational Area and from there, we only have to continue climbing to the Alto de Malagón at 1,536 meters above sea level.

We turn left along Camino de la Cancha to climb the hillside of Cerro de la Cabeza.

We go down the Camino de la Cancha with a few cuts to go down to Robledondo. Later we take a path parallel to the road and that takes us to Puerto de la Cruz Verde.

We continue along the M-533 until we take the diversion of the Vía Pecuaria and we go down until we turn off the Pista del Vivero that brings us closer to Zarzalejo again.

And to close the day we smell healthy food at Coté Café.


Relive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de AbantosRelive Zarzalejo - Zetas de Abantos



Total distance: 29687 m
Max elevation: 1767 m
Total climbing: 957 m
Total time: 03:25:46


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