Sant Sebastià Montmajor at the Pic del Vent

We started from Sant Sebastià de Montmajor where we met the rest of the group who did mountain biking. And before leaving, we had a good breakfast at Restaurant la Rectoria de San Sebastián.

After a few photos and a good meal. We leave along a path towards the Serrat de la Paula and then descend parallel to the Torrent de la Guanta, then turn towards the Serra Llisa and the Coll de la Bassa Roja of 742 meters above sea level.

We pass by the Heart of Mary and finally reach our height of the day. The Peak of the Wind of 815 msnm.

Then we go down to the Farell and then by paths we reach the Alzina del Vell del Tabac. And from here we return to the starting point, Sant Sebastià de Montmajor.

Sant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del VentSant Sebastià de Montmajor al Pic del Vent



Total distance: 10783 m
Max elevation: 810 m
Total climbing: 575 m
Total time: 02:40:46


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