We have to make a route of trails through the Sierra de Ricote of the Murcian Region. And for this we leave from Casa Forestal de La Calera in Ricote, from where we can contemplate the grandeur of the Ricote Valley formed by the Segura river. We start by taking the first bends of the RM-B15 road to enter the Sierra de Ricote forest trail.
We enter the signposted PR-MU10, Sendero del Barrando del Pozo, and we start ascending the Rambla del Puente, until we almost reach the Cima de los Almeces at 1,124 meters above sea level. We continue towards the Devil’s Cave. A little further on we leave the PR-MU10 trail and start to go down the PR-MU 47, Collado de la Madera Trail, towards the Cuesta Alta Forest House, but without reaching it, we turn left onto the trail PR-MU 47.1, Variant Path of the Collado de la Madera. To finish arriving at the Campo de Arriba de la Bermeja area.
From there we climb the Collado del Moro, west start of the Sierra de Ricote, to outline it on its slope, first along a forest path that then becomes a path that leads us to the Collado de la Mezquita formed by the Cabezo de Palazón and the Sierra Ricote. And we continue along the path near the Rambla de la Mezquita in its first section and which then turns towards our starting point, the Forest House of La Calera.
(Route performed in July 2013).
Max elevation: 1029 m
Total climbing: 1541 m
Total time: 05:39:24