PR-3 Porto Furado – Parque Natural de Montesinho

The route circulates perfectly signposted through the Montesinho Natural Park, in the nerdy eastern part of Portugal, bordering Spain.

We leave the small village of Montesinho, which gives its name to this mountain range, and we will follow the marks of the PR-3 Porto Furado. The route is circular and counterclockwise. We climb through the abundant chestnut plantations in the area and arrive at the Serra Serrada reservoir. Where we turn and return to the town to have a beer and a plate of local products in the only bar there is.

The entire route will run through a landscape dominated by granite, with large slabs, outcrops, boulders or loose blocks, appearing, from time to time, a strange shape that seems carved by human hands. And with respect to the vegetation around the town, marshes and chestnut trees dominate, while a little further away, in the valley areas, deciduous forests of black oak (Quercus pyrenaica) predominate. As we ascend, the slopes and the plateau are occupied by forests of carqueja (Genista tridentata), broom, heather and charguaço (Halimium lasianthum ssp. alyssoides), dotted here and there by the occasional birch (Betula pubescens ssp. celtiberica).

It is a smooth route and totally recommended!

PR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de MontesinhoPR 3 Porto Furado - Parque Natural de Montesinho



Total distance: 9356 m
Max elevation: 1268 m
Total climbing: 414 m
Total time: 02:31:01

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