We are in the Natural Park of the Sierra de São Mamede and with magnificent views of magnificent views of the Castle of Marvão. We started from Portagem, which in Portuguese means toll since here it was charged for passing the Server River for its Medieval Bridge. And we started shooting several times on the river and among others using its Medieval Bridge, which we just mentioned, but now without any toll.
We ride towards the Penha do Alto although part of its climb is made by a firewall impossible to roll up. From above we descend towards the town of Carreiras passing through forests of cork oaks and oaks. There we already take the small road which in turn acts as PR-7 PTG-CVD – Carreira’s Route and we arrive at the Serra de Castelo de Vide.
We descend to the town of Castelo de Vide by the Medieval Causeway signposted as PR1 CVD – Percurso pela Serra de São Paulo. And coincidentally we entered that they were marking the circuit for the Maratona MTB Castello de Vide 2019.
We enter the Bairro da Boavista following the PR5 CVD – Percurso das fontes na vila, until we reach the Castelo do Castelo de Vide. Then we continue through La Judería de Castelo de Vide until we leave the medieval walled city. We contour it in the Marvão direction and immediately we find the PR3 CVD-MRV – Castelo de Vide – Marvão percurso that takes us through the Carvalho-negral Forest to almost the base of Marvão. From where we already went down to Portagem by the fast way thinking about that roasted frango (chicken) that we are going to eat in the Churrasqueira Sever.
Nice route that links Portagem, Castelo de Vide and Marvão. In the heart of the Natural Park of the Sierra de São Mamede in the Portuguese Alentejo.
Max elevation: 809 m
Total climbing: 979 m
Total time: 03:44:38