Parking Môle Les Granges – Le Petit Môle

We start this route from the Môle Les Granges car park, at the end of the D420 road. Where we went up relaxed by car while Ana and Quique went up by bike. A good climb!

From there and together we started the climb to la Môle. It is a simple ascent and for walking that takes about two hours to reach the top of the Môle at 1,863 meters above sea level. But today we are in a hurry and we have to confirm with doing the up and down in almost 1 hour. So let’s go fast.

The ascent, as I have said before, is simple and by track until you reach the La Bergerie d’Ayze huts. A corral where this company produces dairy products, among other things, in an artisanal way.

And in nothing we reached our destination for the day. The viewpoint of Le Petit Môle at 1,534 meters above sea level. A beautiful place where you can see what would be left to make the top of the Môle, but on the other side you can also see what the Valley of L’Arve encompasses with the town of Cluses in the background.

Quickly and with the memories of the photos for posterity. We turn around and go down the direct route using the trails that quickly take us back to the Môle Les Granges car park. Where we take the opportunity to have a drink at the Auberge du Môle.

Parking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit MoleParking Mole Les Granges - Le Petit Mole



Total distance: 5459 m
Max elevation: 1476 m
Total climbing: 349 m
Total time: 01:18:12


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