We got up early because I knew the route was hard and long. At 5:30 we started the route from the Mataelpino parking area near the Ciudad de los Muchachos.
Guided by the GPS and illuminated with our front, we start the route and climb to the Malicious by the Arroyo de la Gargantilla. Gradually we gain height as the day begins to open. And without more we appear in the Malicious, 2,227 meters above sea level. Received by a flock of mountain goat, we take the picture of rigor and continue on our way to the Bola del Mundo
Following PR-16, we go down to Collado del Piornal and go up to Alto de las Guaramillas or Bola del Mundo of 2,258 meters above sea level. We continue along the PR-11, Long Rope to the Collado de las Guaramillas leaving the Circus of the Guaramillas, which generates the Valdesqui Winter Season, on the left.
We pass the Colde of Valdemarín and arrive at the Cabeza de Hierro Menor, 2,376 meters above sea level. And we stretch it until we reach the Cabeza de Hierro Mayor, 2,381 meters above sea level. Point of our route where we turn to return along the same path to the Cabeza de Hierro Menor Iron and there we turn left along the Loma de las Cabezas. This part is done walking between stones and low mount, but there are no marks or some landmarks. At some point we see old red marks and series of milestones that tell us where we can go, Everything is walkable but it is not very clear in some areas. Get carried away by GPS.
Finally we arrive at the Bridge of the Manchegos on the Manzanares River and by track, we climb 1 km that takes us to the Collado de los Pastores. There we have the last climb to La Maliciosa Baja. Then go down the entire Malicisa Llope, along a path that is not very clear but marked by milestones, until you reach the Arroyo de la Gargantilla. Where we had climbed this morning with the front.
Now we just have to undo the road down to the parking lot by the creek.
Awesome Route! It is long and hard. Calculate 9 / 10h. 28 km and over 2,000 mda +
Max elevation: 2346 m
Total climbing: 2569 m
Total time: 10:03:42