Loop through Galapagar

We start the route from the Urbanization of Las Cuestas and climb up the track of the Villanueva del Pardillo Road until we reach the Urbanization of Los Ranchos, which we skirt leaving it to the left to continue along the Villanueva del Pardillo Road to the town of Galapagar.

We cross it and exit through its Roman road and the Chopo Cemetery which takes us to the Urbanization of El Guijo. We climb up the Cordel de las Suertes Nuevas which leads us to the Hermitage of El Cerrillo, and next to it, we take the opportunity to have breakfast at the Restaurant La Casona del Pastor.

Afterwards, we resume the journey along the paths of the extensive Cañada Real which brings us closer to the Valmayor Reservoir.

We follow the Cañada Real de Las Merinas del Camino de Madrid and then we deviate to the Camino de la Parra which takes us to Colmenarejo. We exit through the Camino de las Cañadillas towards Carlos III University and from there we connect with the Cañada del Retamar which connects with the Villanueva del Pardillo road and returns us to Las Cuestas.

Vuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por GalapagarVuelta por Galapagar



Total distance: 31392 m
Max elevation: 852 m
Total climbing: 687 m
Total time: 03:38:04

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