La Cabrera mountain range. Peaks of La Miel and Cancho Gordo

We leave the town of La Cabrera. Specifically, the Parking at the Start of the road to Pico de la Miel, which is located just behind the CEIP Pico de la Miel. And we have to make a circular route throughout the Sierra de La Cabrera.

We start towards the houses of La Asperilla where we already find the yellow and white signs for the PR-M13 La Cabrera-Valdemanco. And that we continue while we skirt the Pico de la Miel and that we momentarily leave to make the top of it. Peak of La Miel of 1392 masl.

Both the ascent and the descent is easy, although and depending on the experience you have to make use of the support of your hands holding on to the large granite stones.

When we go down, we return to the PR-M13 and follow it as it accompanies us throughout the North face of the Sierra de La Cabrera passing through La Peña del Águila and Cancho de la Bola until we reach the end where we pass through the Collado del Alfrecho by where we will go down, but before we ascend to the last peak and the elevation of the day. El Cancho Gordo at 1,563 masl. That like that of La Miel. You may have to use your hands, but nothing out of the ordinary, to top it.

Then we undo the path to the Collado del Alfrecho and go straight down a somewhat slippery path through the sandstone and the steep slope. At the end it takes us to the track of the Convent of San Antonio, which we leave behind to head towards the starting point passing through La Muela.

Beautiful route between moles of granite blocks and with the guaranteed vision of the vulture community of the Sierra de la Cabrera.

Sierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho GordoSierra de La Cabrera. Pico de la Miel y el Cancho Gordo



Total distance: 14405 m
Max elevation: 1539 m
Total climbing: 941 m
Total time: 04:30:36


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