Collada Verda – Verat Trail

From Vilallonga de Ter on the Camí de l’Euga, almost everything that is cyclable and shady, very nice until you reach La Roca. Then we take a stretch of asphalt towards the Bee and passed the town where there is a deep hike touching a hilly runway with hard and very hard ramps that goes up to the Green Collada through the Pla de Satlla.

Past Collada Verda takes almost half a turn and we make 4km of gentle climbing through the little winding track of El Ventolà Vell and that goes straight up in zigzag towards the new track from the Pla de Fontllarga to the Fonda hill where we will leave the track.

Downhill from the Fonda hill for a beautiful and almost straight forest trail. It starts fast and handsome and as we go down, it gets dirty a little by the syringes and some stone, but it is not difficult. Cut the track two or three or four times until we have to take it to finish the rapid descent of burned brakes to Vilallonga and the pool bar.

The track is very dusty because there are a lot of trailers carrying the wood from Fontllarga where the forest has been arranged so that the trees were sick as they told us.

Collada Verda - Sender del VeratCollada Verda - Sender del VeratCollada Verda - Sender del VeratCollada Verda - Sender del VeratCollada Verda - Sender del VeratCollada Verda - Sender del Verat



Total distance: 17803 m
Max elevation: 1728 m
Total climbing: 782 m
Total time: 03:16:55


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