We start the route in Colonia de Camorritos, located in Cercedilla, a pioneering urban initiative in Madrid in the 1930s, and created to satisfy the growing demand for weekend leisure since that time. As an anecdote, it was inhabited by famous people such as César Manrique, Pedro Caba, Emilio Botín or the Koplowitz sisters.
We went out walking through its mountain streets to look for the Senda de la Teja that takes us into the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park.
We ascend the Pradillo River until we reach the Fuente de los Acebos. At this point we turn left to walk along the PR-8 Camino de la Pata La Cabra (Senda de Herreros). We pass through Las Rocas de Laín, the Dragon Petroglyph and arrive at the Pradera de Navarrulaque, a crossroads. We continue down the Vereda Alta until we reach the Senda de la Teja, where we started and which returns us to Camorritos.
Max elevation: 1711 m
Total climbing: 540 m
Total time: 02:45:36